November is National Family Caregivers Month. From the experience of those close to me, being a full time caregiver is a consuming and exhausting responsibility. They need our support. Texas attorney Rania Combs offers some helpful suggestions for those close to caregivers:
The significant stress of caregiving takes a physical and emotional toll, especially during the Holidays. Caregivers are less likely to get regular checkups, exercise or take much-needed breaks, which puts them at greater risk for illness and depression.
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Below [are a] few things you can do to support a friend or family member caring for someone suffering with Alzheimer’s disease:
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Rather than telling the caregiver call you if they need anything, offer specific help:
- Pick up items for the caregiver at the grocery store while you’re there.
- Stop by the caregiver’s home on your way to the dry cleaners to collect items that may need to be laundered.
- Run errands for the caregiver.
- Mow the caregiver’s lawn.
- Visit as often as you’re able to help with housework.
- Sit in for the caregiver so that he or she can spend an afternoon away.
See the entire article here.
[Photo credit: Patient Care Technician]